Explore And Engage


Students will explore various opportunities from the Youth Civic Hub's Opportunities Board, engage with at least two opportunities, and reflect on how these experiences shape their civic identity.


  • Research Skills: Identifying and evaluating opportunities.
  • Commitment: Following through on chosen activities.
  • Reflective Thinking: Analyzing how experiences influence personal growth and civic identity

Materials needed

  • Device with internet access


1. Access Prior Knowledge: Civic Opportunities (5-10 min)

  • Ask students how they have engaged in civics. Encourage them to share specific activities, programs, or events that they consider to be “civic engagement.”
  • As a follow up, ask where they heard about or found out about these opportunities.

2. Explore Opportunities (10-15 min)

  • Direct students to the Opportunities Board on the Youth Civic Hub.
  • Ask students to select 3-4 opportunities they are interested in. Students should select opportunities that are in different categories (Paid, Volunteer, Event, Reward, and Other) and focused on different interest areas (mental health, economic mobility, environmental justice, racial justice, education justice, or other).
  • Students can then share the opportunities they found with partners, small groups, or the full class.

3. Commit and Participate (10 min)

  • From the opportunities they found, ask students to commit to participating in at least one by the end of the semester. Teachers may want to consider giving this as “extra credit” if possible.

4. After participating in the opportunity

  • Students will write a brief reflection on how the experience helped shape their civic identity. They should consider how these activities influenced their understanding of civic engagement and role in the community.
  • The reflection should include:
    • Opportunity Details: Name and type of the opportunity.
    • Personal Experience: Description of involvement.
    • Impact on Civic Identity: How the opportunity influenced their view of civic engagement.
    • Lessons Learned: Insights or skills gained from the experience.

Relevant Standards

NY State Grades 9-12 Social Studies Framework

  • Civic Participation: Fulfill social and political responsibilities associated with citizenship in a democratic society and interdependent global community by developing awareness of and/or engaging in the political process.
  • Civic Participation: Work to influence those in positions of power to strive for extensions of freedom, social justice, and human rights.
  • Civic Participation: Participate in activities that focus on a classroom, school, community, state, or national issue or problem.

NYS Social Studies Standards - Commencement

  • Students should: participate in school/classroom/community activities that focus on an issue or problem
  • Students should: participate as informed citizens in the political justice system and processes of the United States, including voting